Does it hurt to do permanent makeup?
This question worries many. Nevertheless, with permanent makeup, the needle of a special device touches the skin and pierces it. As many clients say, soreness is present, but not too much. When working with eyebrows – as when plucking them with tweezers. And when the lips or eyelids are formed – a little stronger. Special cooling gels and ointments help to cope with unpleasant sensations.
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First, what affects the feeling of pain when performing permanent makeup.
The first is the pain threshold. Each person has his own. If low, the pain is felt more, if high – less.
The second is the psychological aspect. When you manage to relax, the soreness is lower. If the client is tense, the facial muscles tense up, blood circulation worsens. Accordingly, the pain is felt more strongly. Psychological comfort is related to whether a person trusts the master. And this, in turn, is determined by the ability of a specialist to win over, to create a calm, safe atmosphere. As a rule, there is more trust in the master of "Nova You" Beauty Studio, with whom the client is already familiar.
The third factor is the selection of equipment for processing a specific zone. For lips, eyelids, eyebrows, different nozzles, shapes and diameters of needles are needed. In addition, the needles and the speed of the devices are selected taking into account the characteristics of the skin. For thin and dry, more gentle solutions are needed.
The fourth is the choice of a cooling agent. If it is strong enough and suitable for a particular person, there will be no pain.
Knowing the process of creating a drawing is also important for understanding whether it hurts or not to do permanent makeup.
The technology involves the use of rotary machines that pierce the skin to a depth of no more than 0.5-0.8 millimeters. This means that much less nerve endings are affected than, for example, when performing a tattoo. That is, the soreness is lower.
The masters of "Nova You" Beauty Studio strive to create maximum comfort for customers. Two types of anesthesia are used – primary and secondary. In the first case, an anesthetic is used before the procedure. In the second – after the first pass, when the pigment has already been introduced into the skin.
In permanent makeup , only application types of anesthetics are used . In some cases, it is possible to work without any additional funds. For example, when working with the most insensitive area, the eyebrows.
When tattooing eyes and lips – more sensitive areas, as a rule, painkillers are used. This helps to neutralize the activity of nerve endings, of which there are many.
Special ointments and gels are applied to the skin. The funds penetrate into its upper layers and do not enter the bloodstream. This reduces the impact on the body. The muscles are not affected.
The action occurs after ten to fifteen minutes and lasts up to two hours. While the specialist is working, the client does not feel pain.
However, there is no clear scheme for choosing an anesthetic that is universal for everyone. Since everyone has their own pain threshold, and the sensitivity of facial areas can also vary, an individual approach is required. And here the experience of the master and how attentive he is to customers is of great importance.