From LDMour commitment has always been with our partnersand with the technological innovation that forces us to train ourselves and have certifications that guarantee the procures that provide security to brands to make use of the information that they have plac in our hands. By trusting organizations with this type of certificationbrands prevent intangibles in image and reputationincrease their operational control and advance in their legal compliancewhich generates higher levels of trustby being committ to continuous improvement. and the evolution of processes with more detail and defin controls. Is your brand ready for this new st party data era? LDM ADWEEK This is LDM Digital Marketing Agency and Business.
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TodayAlberto is the CEO of the holding of companies that make up Latam Digital MarketingGogetit and its subsidiaries in Latin America. More articles by AlbertoMore articles from Alberto MORE ARTICLES OF THIS CATEGORY MORE ARTICLES OF THIS CATEGORYWhy innovate in Digital Marketing and Business Intelligence? by israeli santiagoisraeli santiago NOV BDM Marketing Digital Business Intelligence home Digital marketing Why innovate in Digital Marketing and Business Intelligence? BDM Digital marketing and business intelligence The hyperconnect world has plac digital marketing as one of the main pillars to create synergy between brands and consumers. At LDM we know that the integration of digital strategies is a vital investment that elevates your position through innovative.