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All these changes should appeal to experienced users of the YouTube platform.
New user-friendly design: We made the site header white so that the content stood out against its background, and moved the navigation tabs to the bottom of the application so that it was easier to reach them with your thumbs. We have also changed the Subscription and Account tabs, from which it is now easier to access the necessary functions.
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Videos move with you: We are working on introducing more gestures on YouTube. Earlier this year, we already introduced the possibility of rewinding a video for 10 seconds by double tapping on its left or right side. Billions of users use this feature every day. In addition, we are working on a gesture that will allow you to switch to another video with a simple swipe: just swipe to the left to watch the previous video, and to the right to watch the next one.
Watch at any speed: Users like the ability to speed up and slow down videos, so we've added this feature to mobile apps as well. Now you can watch videos at a speed that suits you.
Videos adapt better: We also experimented with new convenient ways to display videos. Soon the YouTube player will be able to adapt to the video format – vertical, square or horizontal. This means that you will automatically get the most user-friendly interface without black borders on the sides.
Search for new videos without looking up from watching: A feature has been added that allows you to scroll through recommendations when watching videos in full screen. Soon we will change the space under the player, and you will be able to view videos in a completely new way.
The full version of the site has also been updated. Google has added its own Material Design to the site (which is used on the Android platform), and navigation and design have become more convenient with it. The dark mode has become available to everyone from today.